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Meeting summary with chair, Amy Hawkim on 11/18.2022 1pm CST
Content expert. Choose one that I personally know, prior university professor, or go to the GCU Network
If I have a question during the week…do not wait, reach out to get help
Timelines for getting feedback from the varies committee members is 10 working days
Revised prospectus PowerPoint
Once the PPT is agreeable with Chair, Track changes on all work going forward
Proof read correcting grammatical errors and typos
Choose the theoretical foundation that most aligned with my dissertation topic
PPT comprises two theories: One Theory is sufficient
Work on the problem statement and revise research questions accordingly
Revisit the perspective topic based on the revised problem statement
The perspective PowerPoint must be approved by week 6
Briefly discussed participant interviews, topic of resilience, social media, and church youth leaders as it applies to the overall dissertation/topic
Discussed Committee members
Discussed posting expectations.
Chair created a tread to post in LDP. Post in weekly module and LDP
ISP dissertation milestones
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Thank you this is helpful.
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Meeting summary with chair, Amy Hawkim on 11/18.2022 1pm CST
Content expert. Choose one that I personally know, prior university professor, or go to the GCU Network
If I have a question during the week…do not wait, reach out to get help
Timelines for getting feedback from the varies committee members is 10 working days
Revised prospectus PowerPoint
Once the PPT is agreeable with Chair, Track changes on all work going forward
Proof read correcting grammatical errors and typos
Choose the theoretical foundation that most aligned with my dissertation topic
PPT comprises two theories: One Theory is sufficient
Work on the problem statement and revise research questions accordingly
Revisit the perspective topic based on the revised problem statement
The perspective PowerPoint must be approved by week 6
Briefly discussed participant interviews, topic of resilience, social media, and church youth leaders as it applies to the overall dissertation/topic
Discussed Committee members
Discussed posting expectations.
Chair created a tread to post in LDP. Post in weekly module and LDP
ISP dissertation milestones
Thank you!
Thank you this is helpful.
Thank you
Thank you